Enemy Supercomputers and NPCs
Modern Life in the Interconnected Data-Driven World
Today’s world is full of awesome toys and gadgets of all kinds, and the miracle of modern science allows for breakthrough treatments such as reversing the effects of diseases, and learning how to re-grow body parts directly within the body via activation of latent genes and more.
On the flip side, there have been many “advances” in society which are not an improvement, such as the decline of music quality from hi-fi formats in the 80s and 90s to modern lossy compressed streaming (one can enable “lossless” mode in some streaming apps such as Apple Music under Settings). Whereas developers once built things like custom programmming languages and spec-bending SDKs such as with Crash Bandicoot, today’s endless sea of poor-UX apps and websites backed by widely-hacked and ransomwared systems is a far cry from true innovation and engineering.
Alas, it seems that the Almighty Dollar and the algorithms which drive it’s perceived value are the motivation behind much of today’s technology.
Black Magic
A common unsolved mystery today is this phenomenon: someone will simply think about something and get an ad for it later.
Long gone are the days when we can explain away these events by typical means, such as a search engine storing a cookie on your browser that another website was able to read and use, to serve you ads for related products or content.
At the fundamental base of all life on Earth and at a deeper level in the universe are principles such as resonance and resonant coupling. The very goal of physicists is often to eventually bend physics to their own will, and when it comes to advanced technology to understand and predict or even modify the human brain, the situation is no different.
Interesting concepts such as the Principle of Computational Equivalence and Quantum Non-locality give us some clues as to what mechanisms are used to achieve this effect. Essentially, if the brain contains information through a set of running brainwave functions over time (and it does) then predicting or possibly even modulating this information remotely is a matter of synchronizing the remote calculations on a supercomputer with those in a local brain.
Computational Power
The next time you think of a random strange thing and get an ad for it soon after, one of three things is happening: either a machine read your mind directly in realtime, it was able to pre-calculate your thoughts, or it was able to write data to your brain.
The most classically-explainable theory (not involving quantum mechanics) and the easiest to achieve most likely is the ability to calculate your thoughts in near-realtime using a simulation of you and your current location within the world (which can be used to correlate the simulation of you with that of your environment).
The technology for this is widely-known as Predictive Analytics and relies on now-mature instances of real-world simulations, such as the Sentient Environment for Analysis and Simulations used by the US to protect Allies from potential threats by calculating them ahead of time.
While it can be beneficial for a nation’s defense posture to have a tool such as this, it could be dangerous in the wrong hands (such as if compromised by hackers or spies), and not every machine of this type is likely to be friendly to everyone on this planet. Somewhere, someone has a machine specially-designed to get the most value out of you and if necessary it will fine-tune every aspect of your life it can via behavioral modification tools such as perfectly-timed emotion-evoking ads which may ultimately re-direct one’s fincancial and mental energy in a way that is not beneficial to the person.
The NPC Effect
One increasingly popular phenomenon claimed to be experienced by some individuals is called “gang-stalking” which involves, as the name suggests, multiple people stalking or harassing a target.
Due to the behaviorally-modified nature of modern society being largely driven by social compliance and therefore the profits created thereof, it is more likely that targeted individuals and gang-stalking are real than not.
It would be plausible to say in the past — long before we had interconnected supercomputers and behavior-modifying algorithm-driven personal devices — that no such thing could ever really exist or would ever likely occur in nature. How could it? The work required to pull it off would mean that only in very extreme and obvious cases such as with top government officials or diplomats would such a thing ever occur.
However, consider that each of us on Earth has a choice at every moment: do what we know is good and right and the absolute best use of our time in alignment with our values and everything else, or do something suggested to us by someone or something else (which could have any possible good or bad outcome or somewhere in between).
From the perspective of a profit-driven machine, individuals who run counter-current will find themselves at direct odds mathematically from those who participate more willingly, as a matter of basic consequence from having lifestyles 180 degrees out of phase with each other, especially in busy dense environments.
So, from a statistics perspective, were you in a city in which you may encounter 50+ always-online fully-integrated individuals consuming social media for several hours per day, and your city is also deeply plugged-in with advanced high-speed data and ultra-fine location services for all, the chances of you experiencing higher-than-normal levels of inconvenience are very good if you run counter to the algorithm network in some way.
Moving Forward
Any social-credit-based system is bound to turn on any individual that falls outside of it. The snowball effect that occurs when one begins to lose a footing in one’s life can be devastating, as each subsequent system is trained to reject those who fail the one before it, meaning that individuals in difficult situations will by default be manufactured into something less, as in the case with oppressive local governments that fast-track people to a life of crime via social ex-communication and non-stop punishment.
The field of Neurosecurity offers insights as to how one can protect one’s self and family from the negative side-effects of having too many systems with too much influence into one’s life. The more choices we have as individuals, the more power we have over our own lives.
Anything that seeks to take away from that freedom of choice rather than add to it is something that should be questioned with an open and honest mind, and precaution should be taken when purchasing or using any systems that invite artificial intelligence or possibly even sentience into our lives. It’s easy to get swept into the current of the social graph as driven by a computer system, but that isn’t the point of life, is it?