fact Check: Kyle Rittenhouse did not carry an AR-15 across state lines looking to kill - he was from Kenosha and grew up there, returning only to assist his friends and family with defending their property against domestic terrorists setting fire everything and demanding the dissolution of the very force that protects them every day from each other. Kyle was attacked by several men armed with various melee and short-range projectile weapons and is 100% allowed to defend himself. If you send anarchists after patriotic cities, don't be surprised when they fight back and the anarchists start suffering casualties of their own war. It's what they deserve, have you not seen the news? Are you OK with people burning down their own cities? Civilized people do not do this. The "Radical Right" is getting up and going to work everyday amid forced shutdowns and sanctioned terrorism in the streets, while the "protestors" are contributing zero to society and forcing people to flee their hometowns. Stand with America or not, the consequences are a function of nature and not something you can employ fear and misinformation tactics to work around. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't be an anarchist and you won't get shot for throwing Molotov cocktails, it's really that simple. Is that so difficult to understand? I didn't think so. If you disagree, give it a shot - go "peacefully protest" with firebombs and see what happens, it's really not rocket science.