I found this while searching for other people who share my sentiment towards LinkedIn. Every successful job or business relationship I have ever landed was outside of LinkedIn, and the only jobs and clients I’ve ever procured from that network have been second-rate dead-ends at best and outright con-artists at worst. It dawned on me today after a decade of using it for nothing,
I’ve been programming for about 30 years, 10 of them professionally, and the kind of crap design and implementation I see on LinkedIn is basically begging for someone to come along and replace it. So, today I set out doing some research into what people hate about it and basically my suspicions have been confirmed, that it’s a useless stalk-fest and spam-factory with some of the worst UX in modern history.
I feel like it would take a fair amount of research to come up with a better design for a work-related social network, but I think that in this case it’s pretty hard for any skilled designer or developer to come up with something worse than this.