It's interesting to read everyone's opinion about current events and people in the news. I can almost draw a Venn diagram showing the intersection of specific perspectives with the perspectives of certain mass media corporations, and it would be almost the same group. I haven't owned a TV in years but I do read every day, especially about history and finances and global events, etc. TV is too sensational and is designed to evoke reactions from people, which is clearly effective given the amount of content on the internet today that just smears people and paints them in a negative light. It's too bad we don't spend as much time examining ourselves under the microscope instead of others, or rather the extremely limited biased viewpoint of others which we are presented.
Those who change the world go against the grain, plain and simple, and usually they wind up with enough followers and supporters that nobody can stop them anyway. Conversely, there is no way to stop people from blaming others for everything that goes on around them. The key to the future is personal responsibility and learning to deal with circumstances that didn't play out as expected, instead of wasting precious hours contemplating why things don't go the way one expects or deflecting blame on others. In the end, all socioeconomic circumstances are temporary and in constant flux, and things we believe are normal and steadfast may very well disappear right before our eyes. If we had another great depression, I can guarantee that society will be cleanly divided between people who get up and make a difference in the world versus those who sit around complaining about how things aren't the way they would like and that someone else should fix it. Good luck in the roaring 20's and beyond, it's going to be a wild ride.