Thank you for sharing this. I began noticing effects many years ago starting with the “Luke" line in Star Wars, which my friends and I watched 1000 times on VHS and could quote large parts of the movie backwards and forwards. Even the voice actor himself remembers saying “Luke". Only people born after a certain time rememver it being the current way. On top of that many changes coincide with major tests of particle accelerators and other extremely high tech reality-bending equipment. The physicists who build these $50B machines come right out and talk about time travel and portals, and when they run the LHC under a full moon it pulls the machine out of round and requires a tune-up. They are also the largest antimatter factory in the world. What do you do with antimatter? What happens when you move particles, energy, or information faster than the speed of light? Since time is relative to the speed of light, does that send it backwards in time? There’s definitely something going on here. The biggest one is that the location of the solar system has changed from the Saggitarius Arm to the Orion Spur and subsequently the distance between the sun and earth and other measurements are now different. Residual evidence is everywhere too, and the way it shows up is similar to how data copied on top of other data can bleed the original through under inspection. This is definitely something worth researching.