We have a saying in audio and software engineering called "garbage in, garbage out". There is no fixing the problem other than by not putting garbage in and expecting anything other than garbage out. This is a fundamental law of the nature of machines, biological or otherwise, and is not exactly hard to deduce from observation of literally anything that thinks and moves. Take care of your health - eat fresh foods and reduce intake of meat (especially factory meat or meat "product") and meat-derived fats or any artificially (reactive chemical) processed foods, turn off the TV, go cut the grass and do some gardening, drink plenty of water, and maintain a positive attitude as much as you can so that you will naturally seek choices which propagate your best interests instead of working against them. You have 60*60*24 (86,400) seconds each day on Earth available to you - use them to build yourself up instead of running around in circles making things harder than they have to be. It's the modern thing to do and what will carry us into the future with strength instead of fear.